Rewrite Your Resume and Get Real Results!
With Resume Guru Leslie Bobrowsky
30 Minute Laser Teleclass
Wednesday, January 28th, 2009
1 pm Eastern/10 am Pacific
Cost - FREE!
- Increase the chance that your resume gets noticed.
- Determine what to include and what to omit.
- Write dynamic content that demonstrates your value.
- Choose the best format and organization of material.
- Craft a pertinent job objective and a key skills list.
Email me to get the call-in information for this FREE session.
Leslie Bobrowsky, President of Specialty Training Services, Inc., is a communication skills and selling skills consultant. Prior to founding her firm 20 years ago, she hired part-time consultants for a consulting firm, sold training programs, and taught résumé writing and job search skills for Federal government agencies. She’s seen a lot of résumés. Privately, her clients have always sought her help with their résumés, and she now combines expertise in business writing and selling to provide résumé renovation services. Visit her at